Of all the functions within your company, inventory management may be responsible for the most intra-company tension. Production supervisors want to keep silos full. Finance personnel want to manage inventory costs by limiting material storage.
Given Modern Transportation’s long experience in this segment of the supply chain, we’ve gleaned considerable insight to the process. That’s why we’ve developed an automated silo monitoring solution that integrates with our dispatch and fleet management systems to gain real-time control. The benefits to Carrier Managed Inventory can be considerable.
Substantial, hard cost savings are possible and we’ve made them a reality. The savings result from the generation of cash-flow plus labor savings and reductions in transportation cost. Softer cost reductions arise from proactive delivery schedules, consistent processes and improved visibility into inventory and transportation.
Streamlining and improving the logistics life-cycle has been a 28-year mission for Modern Transportation. Leverage the fruits of those efforts for your own inventory management.